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U.S. History A & B

Instructor: Ms. Laurette Edenfield                                                                               


Course Description: The high school United States History course provides students with a comprehensive and intensive study of the major events and themes in United States history. Beginning with early European colonization, the course examines major events and themes throughout United States history. The course concludes with significant developments in the early 21st century.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: The students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the history of the United States according to the adopted curriculum course GPS standards established by the State of Georgia and the Fayette County Board of Education.


Textbook: Our textbook is The Americans (cost if lost = $65.00). A class set of this textbook is provided so that students may keep their copy at home. Students MUST keep up with the reading in order to excel in this course.


Materials: For this class, students will need the following items on a daily basis unless otherwise notified by the instructor.

  • 3-ring binder with pockets specifically for this class*

                                *Each student is required to keep a notebook that reflects work done in class each day.

                                 They need to have this notebook in class with them every day. 

                                 Each student is responsible for keeping all completed, graded work in this binder.   

  • a pen or a pencil (must have a #2 pencil on test days)

  • any assignment due that day (Late assignments will lose a letter grade daily)


GRADING POLICY: The grade scale adopted by the Fayette County Board of Education will be the standard used in this course. Components that make up the total grade for each semester are tests, quizzes, homework, notebook quizzes, in-class assignments, group participation, and projects. Tests are announced well in advance of the testing date. Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance. In-class assignments will include written class work, group work, and work completed in the Media Center/Labs.


Daily Homework:  Students are expected to read/study every night for at least 30 minutes.


All class projects will be turned in on or before the due date before the designated time.  Loss of a letter grade occurs after stated time and each day thereafter once first period begins.  No excuses accepted. 


EVALUATION:     10% - Homework, Daily Work.   15% -Quizzes.   55% - Tests, Projects, DBQs. 

                               20%  First Semester Exam.   Second Semester - 20%  Milestone. 


** ALL work must be turned into the homework basket before the bell rings to start class.

**Any work turned in after the bell with result in the loss of a letter grade, per day.


MAKE-UP WORK: students are allowed five days to make up missed work when they are unexpectedly absent. Make up time for a test or quiz missed during a planned absence (competition, field trip, college visit, etc.) needs to be arranged in advance of your absence. Expect to make up a quiz before school the next day after a planned absence and tests after school the day following a planned absence, subject to teacher availability. Make up work can only be counted for credit if an absence is excused – this includes any missed test. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the teacher concerning all make-up work. 

An unexcused absence = a ZERO for all work. 


BYOT Use in Classroom

MHS students will participate in the countywide Bring Your Own Technology initiative for instructional purposes as outlined below:

The purpose of BYOT is to enhance instruction and learning; consequently, students’ technology devices will not be allowed during lunch, testing, transitions between classes, and before school.  Students will be allowed to utilize their provided technology in classrooms only as directed by individual teachers. Signage in classrooms and/or oral directives by teachers will indicate BYOT authorization. Students may only access the Internet through MHS fcboeguest; Internet connection using a student’s 3G/4G device is not permitted. BYOT is allowed in the Media Center before school, during lunches, and after school under the supervision of the media specialist. Students may transport technology devices in string bags. Violations of the BYOT policy will result in revocation of a student’s BYOT privileges. McIntosh High School is not responsible for students’ individual devices.

Gifted Continuation

A student’s performance in all gifted classes is reviewed at the end of each semester, earlier if difficulties become evident. Continuation in the Gifted Program in Fayette County requires a student to meet criteria-specific performance requirements in classes for the gifted as evidenced by participation, completion of assignments, and the maintenance of an average of 80 or better in each gifted class and/or a 70 or better in each Advanced Placement class.  If a student fails to meet the performance requirements in a gifted class, the student will be placed on gifted probation the following semester for that department’s gifted courses. Failure to meet the performance requirements in the same academic area for two consecutive semesters will result in the student’s being declared ineligible for gifted courses from that department for the entirety of the following semester and placed in a non-gifted core course in the same academic area. The student may regain gifted placement in that department after meeting all continuation requirements. Re-entry may occur only at the beginning of the next 18-week semester. The student is allowed to remain in all other gifted classes as long as all continuation requirements are met.  Parents are notified in writing at the end of each semester of changes in placement status.


Credit Recovery

Options for credit recovery following the conclusion of the semester may be available should credit for the course not be obtained. Requirements and criteria, including a minimum failing grade, will be determined at the end of each semester and must be satisfied in order to participate in credit recovery.



Any attempt to obtain credit for work done by another is unacceptable, including

·      cheating on tests

·      copying work of others

·      copying ideas or copying word-for-word from books, magazines, encyclopedias, technology media (plagiarism)

·      failing to cite proper documentation or authorship

·      using someone else’s term paper

·      other similar activities


Cheating includes the following:

·      possessing and/or using unauthorized material during quizzes, tests, and exams

·      providing or accepting specific information about a class assignment, project, homework, quiz, test, or exam (example: “The essay question is …” or “Study all the definitions on page 3.”)  

·      sharing work product on any independent assignment (The student is responsible for understanding when assignments are to be completed independently or as a group.)


Academic dishonesty will be a discipline referral to the office and consequences will be assigned.  Please note:  College and scholarship applications frequently request disclosure regarding academic dishonesty.



  • RESPECT - Everyone in my classroom will be treated with mutual respect. This includes,especially, methods of speech. NO SLANG (shut-up, crap, sucks, etc...) will be tolerated.

  • BE PREPARED - Everyone will be expected to be prepared for class every day!

  • COMMUNICATION – The key to success is to communicate.  A simple email or conversation before or after class will allow for understanding and cohesion.  Apathy breeds apathy.


Please do not hesitate to ask for extra help at any time, especially before or after school. If needed, parents are encouraged to request a conference by contacting the counselor's office during regular school hours. 770-631-3232 or email –  the phone message system is unreliable, please use email as that is checked throughout the day, every day.  Thanks!


Access to grades anytime through the Infinite Campus portal



  Unit 1 Test

(Ch 1.4-2)

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